About Me
I'm currently working as a Standards Researcher at Nokia France, with focus on system level simulation of 5G-Advanced MIMO features. My academic background is in Communications and Computer Networks and Data Science, as I have completed a Double Degree program between Politecnico di Torino and EURECOM which allowed me to specialize in both areas. I also have experience in web development as I've helped the student association linux@studenti develop some additional features on their website that streamlined some processes that were initially done manually.
Before moving out of my home town, I attended Liceo Scientifico L.B. Alberti (Cagliari), a school which focuses on scientific subjects and also provides a good background in social sciences and literature. During my fourth year I took part in an exchange program and attended “Wellspring Preparatory High School” in Grand Rapids, MI, USA as part of a foreign exchange program
Projects & Activities
oneDNN Wrapper
During a semester project at EURECOM, along with my colleague Paolo Volpe, we developed a small C++ library which allows to train a simple neural network on Intel CPUs and GPUs, using oneDNN primitives. The source code and documentation for the project can be found here.
Recognition of art style using basic Machine Learning Techniques
In the course of "Machine Learning and Intelligent System" held at EURECOM, as mandatory course project, along with my colleague Luca Parrini, I worked on a machine learning algorithm that applies some basic machine learning techniques to the features extracted from a series of paintings coming from the Wikiart datasets. A more complete explanation can be found here.
Workshop: “Circuits and algorithms for music processing”
Starting from the second semester of my second year I was selected to participate in the Workshop “Circuits and algorithms for music processing”, a project whose main objective is to design a hardware/software system that processes an audio signal (music) for the detection of notes and produces the corresponding music sheet. The Workshop has a duration of 2 years (4 semesters). The competencies required for carrying out the project will be acquired during the five courses this workshop is based on.
The team I was part of won 1st prize for merit.
You can find an overview of the used techniques in the dedicated page
Starting from my third year I got involved in a project called OpenScuola (part of linux@studenti) whose main objective is to reuse old hardware to build low-cost laboratories in schools. I’ve been assigned the task of showing these laboratories on a map starting from a MySQL database. Using PHP I was able to build a basic REST API and using Javascript I wrote a Wordpress plugin that uses Leaflet to generate a map. You can find the application here (note that it is constantly updating).